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So... why bother being active?

Be Active, Be You

Becoming fitter, stronger and healthier can have many positives in your daily life, making you feel happier and more confident. 

Active Senior Man

Physical activity is proven to have several benefits, especially from the age of 55. Research has constantly shown how being active not only improves your mobility, strength and balance, but shields against various illnesses and diseases.   

Smiling woman

Mobility, Strength and Balance


Research highlights that as you age your mobility will decrease because your joints become stiffer and less flexible. However, staying physically active can help you stay mobile and independent. Getting activities into your day such as stretching, walking and exercise are brilliant ways to slow down age related mobility problems and keep you moving.   

Power Walk
Weight Lifting


From the age of 30 we lose 5% of our muscle mass every year, and this increases quickly once we reach 60 years of age. We must try and keep our strength as we age so that we can continue to be independent: walking, carrying the shopping, doing the gardening and lifting the grandchildren etc. 

The good news is we can rebuild our strength at any age. Completing at least two resistance training sessions a week will support you in maintaining and improving your strength. 


Good balance is a key factor during old age. As we get older, common age related health problems such as arthritis and hypertension cause our balance to deteriorate which in turn impacts our mobility, walking, strength and independence. Keeping good balance as we age is pivotal to successful ageing and allowing us to move freely and stay active.  

Seniors Laughing


Keeping our independence is a priority, whatever age. But ageing parallels declines in our ability to carry out everyday tasks, from playing with the grandchildren, walking to the shops and putting on a pair of socks. Being active as we age supports us to continue to carry out these tasks, meet our friends and family, and live life to its fullest. And remember, it is never too late to become active or do more!

Good Health

According to Public Health England there are 15 million people in England living with at least one long-term health condition and many will have more than one.  The good news is that physical activity can help to prevent some conditions and to manage the effects of many others.  You can read more about what Public Health have to say here. 

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